Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

Little wonder in forests of Indonesia

The Green Broadbill (Calyptomena viridis) is distributed in broadleaved evergreen forests of Borneo, Sumatra and Malay Peninsula. It is often overlooked, as it sits motionless inside the canopy or just below, quickly flying to a new location if disturbed. It's foliage-green color provides excellent camouflage. First described by Thomas Stamford Raffles (whom Raflesia is named ) in 1822.

Photo: Kieth Hodos via Birds on facebook

Kamaru Zaman

"Working as Sales Executive in Malaysian National News Agency (BERNAMA), Stringer Photojournalist and Freelance Photographer. Some of my photos produced since year 2002 was published in front page of several local newspapers especially in politics, crimes, disasters and human interests. My interest in photography started in secondary school when my late father bought me a film compact camera in 1977. In 1985 attended one semester course of photography during my study in one of the local university."

And you can watch these amazing pictures, too, due Malayan Paradise (birds and nature) blogger & photographer: Kamal Mudda! ♥ 

His amazing bird-pictures are found via flickr and on an earlier blog, too. I respect him so much, his work is truly great! Let you visit his blogs and pages!